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Іnstitute of Business Education named after Anatoliy Poruchnyk
About the University
Public information
Structural Units
KNEU Branches
International relations
Geographical map
Management Centres
Faculty of International Economics and Management
Faculty of Marketing
Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology
Faculty of Accounting and Tax Management
Faculty of Finance
Faculty of Economics and Management
Institute of Law
Institute of Information Technologies in Economy
Institute of Distance Education
Information for Applicants
Educational Programmes
Master Programs
Admission of foreign students
Second higher education
Post-graduate Education Centre (specialist level)
Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies
Department of Scientific Information
Research Institute of Economic Development
Research Institutes
Prevention of academic plagiarism
Principles and model of training doctors of philosophy (PhD) at the university
Reports on the scientific activity of the University
Research with business
Research networks
Periodicals of the University
The Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists
KNEU Science Park
Campus Life
Psychological Service
Service of Social Adaptation and Psychological Assistance
Curators' page
Ombudsman for Human Students
Students' Civil-society Organisations
Student Campus
Department of Employment Promotion “Perspective”
Centre of Culture and Arts
Dorohamy do prekrasnoho (Roads to the Beauty) Club
Contact information
General information
About Institute of Business Education
Virtual excursion
for the entrants
for students
Business administration
Second higher education
Іnstitute of Business Education named after Anatoliy Poruchnyk
08 December 2022р.
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ВЕБІНАР Відбудова майбутнього: фінанси сталого розвитку та стійке повоєнне відновлення.
03 October 2024y.
Розпочинається подача заявок через електронний кабінет вступника ДЛЯ ВСТУПУ НА МАГІСТРАТУРУ
02 August 2024y.
Відбулася презентація першої в Україні МВА програми “Управління фінансами сталого розвитку”.
02 May 2024y.
Цикл лекцій з маркетингу за участі гест-спікерів для слухачів програми МБА
28 February 2024y.
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